So We woke up this morning.....and its a sad thing because it is too cold for us to go out on the boat. The kids slept in until 9:30. We were felling like slackers and just lounged around instead of going to the gym. Oh by the way Little Landon finally decided he could sleep through the night! Its only the 3rd time ever! anyway ill take it when I can get it! Anyway I looked at gabe and said something he doesn't hear very often..."wanna go Fly" He said .....all of us?....Of course! So Off we went to the airport! You have to understand that I really don't find flying that exciting...I don't know why, i just cant stand rollercoasters and it feels alot like those to me! But I am getting better! I don't scream anymore! Anyway this was the kids first time to go in an airplane...well a small airplane they love the big airliner planes. We headed out to gabe's new office at Hooks airport....The girl that had the plane before us was 45 mins late! it was funny...Kade took full advantage of the Huge help your self icecream bin. He was happy as can be! So we Got in the Plane and took off to Brenham. The Boys were amazing! Kade kept his cute little headset on the whole time they even both fell asleep on the way there! We got there and turend right back around! Next time we want to take the boys to The Bluebell Factory.... The people at the airport said its only 5 mins. from the airport and they have a courtesy car! Sounds like a plan for another day off! It was a great day off! Fun was had by ALL! no one got sick no barfbag used and everyne was happy. Oh yeah and Gabe our personal pilot was sooooo excited!For a g
ood Flight Call.
........Well you know our #.
13 years ago