So we really stink at checking emails mail and anything that takes time away from our kids. Yeah we are pathetic. Between Daily routines get up (as late as we can) go to the gym work out at the YMCA... take showers go to work come home.... dinner, feed the dogs, bath, play time, prayers and read books. Feed Landon and get Kade to stay in his own bed. That leaves Me and Gabe tired and trying hard to pay bills clean up and love on each other when we can. hahahaha:) So we will Try to keep up as much as we can! I wish i could have the cute scrappy ones but we will hopefully get better.
Life is busy but we have so much fun Kade is 2 1/2 Landon is 7 months and they are soooo happy. Gabe is on a break from teaching flight school if anyone hears of a flying job please let us know. Till then we could not be happier Gabe has work his tail off 7 days a week since last November when he got out of Flight school at ATP in Dallas. he almost never got a day off. So we are in heaven spending so much awesome time with him. He is such a great Daddy i could not ask for better. I hate to brag but i did get really lucky. 
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