Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Landon's Growing up and out!

Landon always has been my easy simple child! He thought he would surprise me the other day! along with the lovely fits he has been throwing..... He has been breaking through 4 teeth.....ok so I'm off track of my story..... So when he wakes up in the morning he taps on the wall or taps on his crib...never crys....sometimes I wonder how long he sits in his crib quiet and awake before he starts to tap...... so Two days ago Landon slept through the night (which he normally does) thank goodness.... so he was tapping on the wall or crib and so I went in to get him like usual and said "Hey Buddy".... looked down to pick him up and freaked out he was no where in his crib..... I looked over and his little head was bobbing up and down he was on the floor laying on these huge pillows and had a giant smile on his face! I started laughing!!!!! I yelled to Gabe.... he got out of his crib!!!! ahhhhhhh! It hasn't happened again yet! yeah so time warp.... Landon is officially not a baby any more:( His little "gerbas" vocabulary has tripled! It's crazy how they start to parrot words and or sounds! Anyway! I don't do well with loosing my children in the mornings..... but who knows how long he was out!!!! We love you Landon!

1 comment:

Brit said...

How funny! That little stinker!